主页 > imtoken正版 > Who is the largest holder of biteb in China, who is the first person in biteb in China

Who is the largest holder of biteb in China, who is the first person in biteb in China

imtoken正版 2023-06-07 07:11:56

Content Navigation: Q1: How are the people who first held biteb?

Remember that sometimes you must not be the first to eat crabs, biteb will have its own value.

Q2: With a limited number of bitebs, who is the biggest holder?

It might not come as a surprise if cryptocurrency exchanges are the largest biteb warehouses. 6.7% of the currently circulating biteb (about $9.8 billion) is held by various cryptocurrency exchanges. What’s more interesting, however, is that despite the lengthy bear market, both “up and down”, the biteb reserves of these exchanges have been increasing.

Eight exchanges, including Kraken, Bitstamp, and Binance, have seen their inventories steadily increase over the past two years. This is in stark contrast to the volatility biteb has experienced since March 2017. These largest biteb holders continue to have faith in the cryptocurrency market and keep increasing their share regardless of market conditions.

other major biteb giants

Let's take a look at the other giants in the biteb space:

SATOSHI NAKAMOTO (Satoshi Nakamoto)

We may still not know who the anonymous creator of the biteb is, but we do, he or she is the largest of all biteb holders with 1 million biteb (4.76 of the 21 million biteb %), with a market value of about $8 billion at current biteb prices.

THE WINKLEVOSS TWINS (Worth Twins) In 2013, the Winklevoss brothers claimed that they held 1% of all circulating biteb supply. However, now they most likely have more than that. As owners of the Gemini exchange, they have also been steadily accumulating more bi over the past few years.


"Crypto King" Barry Silbert (Barry Silbert) is the CEO and founder of shuzhuob Group (Digital Currency Group). Not only has the company backed biteb and built a blockchain company, but it also owns some other major assets. These companies include cryptocurrency news site CoinDesk and more than 100 biteb-related companies, including Grayscale Corporation (Grayscale Investments). Forbes estimated Hilbert’s net worth in crypto in 2018 to be between $400-500 million. But now, of course, that number pales in comparison.

If you imagine yourself as a big fish in a crypto pond, it might get easier later. As bitco reported a few weeks ago, the amount of bi you need to be a whale may change over time. If you believe in certain theories, perhaps holding a biteb might give you enough power to influence the market.

While others disagree, they point out that one of the 21 million biteb is very "trivial". So, no matter what the situation is, no matter how much biteb you have, keep a positive attitude.

Q3: How many people in the world currently own biteb? Who has the most biteb

没有人能解释清楚,这个问题就像世界上有多少人一样。世界公布的人口约为 60 亿,但还有更多无法统计。bitb 的所有者也是如此。但可以知道的是,在目前的全球biteb富豪榜中,100个biteb地址中大约有2862697.21403225 bi。下面是统计的截图:


先做一个简短的结论:一年前的数据显示,大约 500,000 bi


1)美国的两个兄弟 Cameron Winklevoss 和 Tyler Winklevoss 声称持有世界上大约 1% 的 bitb[1]

1% biteb oh~~ how much is that? Now the total amount of biteb in the world is about 12 million bi, which means that these two buddies hold about 120,000 biteb. Maybe you think these are not too valuable, but pay attention, the starting price of these two people's biteb is below $10/bi. Based on the current market price of $430/bi, the yield is . . . . . . shaking~~

2)Li Xiaolai claimed on "Oriental Time and Space" that he was the first person in China to hold a biteb, holding a six-digit biteb (no video link found..)

3)After the founder of Silk Road was arrested, his 140,000 biteb was confiscated by the FBI[2].

Therefore, the person who owns the most biteb should hold more than 1% of the world total. This list can also be known by looking at the daily bi holdings.

More systematic research comes from academia. Israeli mathematician Adi Shamir (if the name is unfamiliar, he is the S in the RSA algorithm) published a paper in 2012 called Quantitative Analysis of the Full Bitcoin

Transaction Graph"[3], by analyzing the public transaction records of the first 18,000 blockchains in the biteb system (as of May 13, 2012), it studies some interesting issues in the biteb market.

In their analysis results, at the end of the first 18,000 blockchains, the entity with the most biteb held between 200,000 and 400,000 bi (the article did not give a specific figure), and there was only one entity with more than 200,000 bi entity. The largest currency holding in history is more than 500,000 bi, and there are two entities.

Note the use of "entity" instead of "person". In the analysis method of the article, biteb wallets that may belong to the same owner are classified as the same entity. This entity may not only be a person, but also a trading institution such as Mt.Gox.

In addition, by analyzing the table of the most active entities given in the article, the income of the person with the most income (not counting expenses) is under 700,000 bi. That is to say, the person who owns the most biteb will not hold more than 700,000 bi

Q5: Were there many Chinese who participated in biteb mining at the beginning?

Considering the proportion of China's population of 1.4 billion, not many people participated, and a very small part participated. There are many high thresholds for mining biteb.




Many have compared the biteb wave to the "California Gold Rush," and they do have similar results. In the California Gold Rush, those who sought gold did not find gold in the end, and it was those who sold shovels, opened stores, and traded among the crowds who achieved financial freedom.

The principle of the currency circle is also similar. When biteb first came out in the early days, due to the small amount, everyone's awareness of this thing was not popular enough, and no one was willing to pay for a bunch of codes. So the guy who spent 10,000 bitebs on a hamburger must have been lucky that he earned it. After all, he cashed in the code.

Li Xiaolai mentioned this experience in the book "The Self-cultivation of a Leek" published this year. But he was more fortunate. His early experience in New Oriental not only allowed him to accumulate capital, but also to hold biteb for a long time (in fact, it lasted for two or three years). Fortunately, he entered the inner circle of biteb earlier, accumulated channels and contacts, and finally realized his fame through the speech ability of the lecturer that year.

Some people have summed up Li Xiaolai's routine as follows: the bear market is low-key and popular, and the bull market platform is realized.

The same principle can also be used for Bao Erye, as well as other people in the biteb circle. Anyone who is a little familiar with this circle can recall, which famous people made a fortune by investing in biteb? In fact, many bigwigs are doing mining machine projects, building exchanges, creating social circles, engaging in small programs, and sending messages when everyone has not had time to respond, what is going on with biteb and everything related to biteb. Information, circle around a wave of hot money.

然而,随着国家监管政策的实施,这些生态系统不再需要被忽悠而迅速消亡。也许,确实,如果有人能够在 2017-2018 年的高点及时退出市场,他们确实会获利。但是人类编程从来没有停止的关键。更重要的是,散户的消息总是落后。当大庄家开始抛售时,来不及离场的韭菜们只能眼睁睁地看着币价暴跌。
